to your mother


Saturday, September 4, 2021

Wait Wait, There's More

 I can't make this stuff up. Rapid fire part dos...

Dad had a car that he wanted Mike and I to sell for him.

We brought the car back to our house in Maryland to sell.

A delightful couple named Greg and Kelly, who live 30 minutes north of Dad, drove 3 hours this morning to purchase the car.

Mike talked with Greg and I talked with Kelly about all sorts of things unrelated to buying the car, as if we were old friends catching up. At one point Kelly and I briefly spoke of her grief from her Mom dying this past spring and Mom's death anniversary yesterday. I thought about telling her of my experience from yesterday morning, but I didn't because I didn't want her to think I was a freak.

As the 4 of us were standing around our driveway wrapping things up, Mike quietly called across the driveway, "Peg, she's back".

The same bird from yesterday, white dot next to it's right eye, was climbing on Mike's shoulder. We were all speechless. I told Kelly and Greg of the show that was put on for me yesterday morning and the meaning behind it. Kelly said in a quiet, straight forward voice, "That's your Mom." I looked at her and said, "It is." As we continued to talk, the bird pecked at Mike's ear and a mole on his neck. 

The bird flitted onto the car Dad sold and pecked around there. Greg held his arm out to encourage the bird and it jumped right onto his arm, repeatedly going from the car to Greg's arm.

 At one point the bird landed on Kelly. It chewed on her straw and futzed around. As the bird was perched on Kelly's arm, pecking at her bracelets, Kelly asked if Mom liked jewelry...Mom had boxes of jewelry.

I explained that I thought Mom was there to thank Kelly and Greg for taking the car off of Dad's hands...similar to Dad being in the same room, in the same bed that Mom was in on the forth floor rehab and Dad saying, "She's still taking care of me"...similar to when neighbor Toni received her first quilt of the month gift from Dad, a thank you to her for providing food for him, and Toni showed us the name of the quilt block...

named "Mrs. Lloyd's Favorite" and we all agreed that Mom was saying thank you to Toni for feeding the old man.

When Greg and Kelly were getting ready to leave, the bird was perched on Greg's truck. Kelly jokingly asked him if they should take it home. With a look of horror on his face he replied, "We can't take her MOM home!"

The miracle bird is a Grackle...Mom used to call them Crackles.

People, well, I'm going to continue to revel in this miracle...and that's all I have to say about that.