to your mother


Friday, November 20, 2020

Amazon Update

Oh Lordy. Here's an update from last weekend...


Dad somehow gets locked out of Amazon and needs a password to get back in to continue to spend my inheritance.

Dad doesn't know his password.

Dad is internet-password-savvy enough to know how reset his password.

Dad can't get the code to reset his password to work.

I assist Dad in resetting his password.

We use Dad's password-remembering strategy and write the new password on a sticky note and stick it to the lid of his laptop.

Dad continues his Amazon shopping...a package of 3 of something of which I can't reveal or I'll ruin Christmas, a cat toy (when I ask why he is getting the cat toy he says incredulously "For. Your. Cats?" as if he purchases pet toys everyday (I believe Dad has NEVER purchased a cat toy).), another jar of instant coffee. All separate orders. 1 cart at a time.


I hear reports about the expected 3 packages on Monday, 2 day shipping you know. Some beet root supplements are ordered, arriving Tuesday.


I speak to Dad earlier on in the day. He remembers that 3 packages are coming on Monday but can't remember what he ordered. We discuss his list. He reports that the beet root would come the next day.

Later in the day Dad confirms the arrival of the secret gift, cat toy (my cats don't read this so no spoiler alert there), and instant coffee (Peggy Anne it's the good stuff, Folgers.). Beet root arrives tomorrow.


Dad checks the tracking of the beet root earlier in the day. He reports that it was in New Jersey, went some place else, THEN WAS SENT BACK TO NEW JERSY. Dad believes the beet root supplements will not arrive today. The beet root supplements do not arrive.


The beet root supplements (BRS) arrive. Dad does not complain that it took 3 DAYS instead of 2. He proudly tells me that he put some of the BRS in a smaller jar to put on the counter then put the larger jar on the pantry shelf next to the line up of his other supplements. Dad's supplements are lined up on a shelf in the pantry, you say?

Dad's pantry circa Sat. Nov. 14, 2020

That's a story for another time.

1 comment:

  1. Looking at the pantry 2 things caught my attention. The giant bag of M&Ms and the 3 crock pots! I can hear him saying.. you always need a back up!
    Love ya! Libby
