to your mother


Friday, August 23, 2019

A Trip to Dads

We are on our way to Dad's to celebrate Paul and Joseph's upcoming September birthdays.

This is the actual face I was making when trying to upload pictures to the blog from my phone. Yikes.

 The song "Car Wash" was playing on the classic rock radio station and it got me thinking about Mom. That woman LOVED the movie "Car Wash". I'm not sure how she got it repeatedly on the T.V. ; this was a time before VHS and satellite (although around this time Dad built our 1st satellite dish out of chicken wire and 2x4s...we binge-watched the channel that played "Popeye" with Robin Williams on a continuous loop for months because the only other channel that came in looped "Blue Lagoon" , deemed inappropriate for the likes of my 10 year old eyes to see.).
Always travel with unicorns. Always.

I regret not sitting with Mom to watch "Car Wash", all I remember is walking through the family room or kitchen (Mom had a portable TV, AM/FM radio combo that sat on the kitchen counter before that sort of thing was popular. She would also listen to WBAL or WTOP, some talkshow programming) and catching glimpses of happy, dancing, singing people washing cars. I was never interested so I never paused long enough to understand why those joyous people where dancing and so happy about washing cars.

When we were in the quickie mart and I said "what will make me feel better?" Joe wrapped his arms around me and said "a hug". I will love this boy forever. 

This family trip is my last breath of summer before returning to school on Monday to spend the week prepping our new classroom, experiencing professional development, and planning what fun and engaging activites we will do with those 4 year old cuties that will be peeking their faces in our door the day after Labor Day. 

It will all get done, People. But before all that, I need to Google "Car Wash" and educate myself on all it's goodness.

OH MY WORD. As I finish writing this, a deeply embedded memory has just surfaced. I vaguely remember the walking through and the "Car Wash" song playing and hearing the word "whore" or something equivalent and stopping and saying "Mom! What is this about?" I don't remember Mom's exact response, but the feeling it left me with was that Mom felt pure joy while watching her beloved "Car Wash". So, People, if you choose to watch and wonder about this musical, magical movie from the 70's, you may want to use discretion around children. Although it didn't seem to phase Mom that I was witnessing it.  Yet I wasn't allowed to view "Blue Lagoon". Mothering, its a complicated thing.

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